What is Social CRM anyways……
Last month I had the opportunity to present to a Communitech – Strategic Marketing Peer to Peer group. Communitech is, in my opinion, the premier technology organization in Ontario, Canada. It’s very well-run and organized and an excellent networking group. The subject of the presentation was Social CRM (SCRM). A topic I have paid more and more attention too. At it’s roots, SCRM is really about where Social Media and an organizations internal Sales, Marketing and Service meet and are supported by CRM software technology. My interpretation of the concept of SCRM is:
- Social CRM is a new organizational philosophy for governing our businesses in the new social economy.
- It’s a customer strategy by which sales, marketing and service departments use social media to engage and support the customer. Externally.
- How we share, interpret and act on those conversations in the best interest of customer. Internally.
- How we interact with the CRM software system to track and convert those internal and extenal conversations.
By definition (SCRM):
“CRM is a philosophy & a business strategy, supported by a technology platform, business rules, workflow, processes & social characteristics, designed to engage the customer in a collaborative conversation in order to provide mutually beneficial value in a trusted & transparent business environment. It’s the company’s response to the customer’s ownership of the conversation.”
By Paul Greenberg, President, The 56 Group
A most interesting concept, none the less. Please view my presentation here:
[slideshare id=3057552&doc=socialcrm-scrm-100202180039-phpapp01]
Microsoft Dynamics CRM goes Social Media
Microsoft is set to release (Soon I hope ;o)) an accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics CRM:
The solution looks like it could be a valuable tool for those running MSCRM and potential looking to track and measure their social media efforts. Here is a You Tube presentation on the product: