Google is in to just about everything…..
I watch in awe at Google’s advancements and acquisitions. It amazes me just how many areas of business they are stretching into, fascinate to watch and wonder where they are headed. I really think the healthy competition that they are building in the Telecom industry will be good for all of us consumers, offering more choice and driving down prices. But, recently I read that Google has made application to become a wholesale power distributor, yeah electricity. What? (Giving my head a shake) Why? As much as I do truly love to watch the directions this company is headed in and the dragons that it continues to slay (News Media/Telecom), I wonder if there is a saturation point or a “spreading ourselves to thin point”. What are your thoughts on Google, will it ever end?
Article in today’s Globe and Mail on the Google Empire:
Internet Access in Canada, an all time high!
A recent press release from Ipsos Reid indicates that internet access in Canada has reached an all time high, an amazing 82% of Canadians now have access at home. With the continuing rise in internet access penetration it’s no surprise that companies are exploring social media tools and online advertising strategies to market to Canadians. It’s getting cold outside so logon.
Internet Access in Canada Reaches All Time High
Read the press release here: