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Profit Magazine “The 7 Best Ways to Build your Business Now!”
Profit Magazine “The 7 Best Ways to Build your Business Now!”
In last months Profit magazine there was an article that really helps me when I’m consulting companies on the real value of a CRM solution. In the business strategies section the article on “The 7 Best Ways to Build your Business Now!”, adopting CRM software is one of the big reasons they give to help businesses grow now. In the article they cover some key CRM value statements like:
- “Most entrepreneurs now recognize that “building deep customer relations will lead to sustainable long-term grow””
- “CRM software can help you centralize client data, automate customer service processes such as status reports or email campaigns, and alert you when you’re behind schedule”
- “(CRM) it’s cheaper and easier to use than ever before, making it an attractive investment for entrepreneurs”
- “Two-thirds of Canada’s Fastest Growing Companies use CRM software”
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Good food for thought!
Richard Bolton
Source: Profit Magazine November 2007 “The 7 Best Ways to Build your Business Now!” by Kim Shiffman